YOUR   L W  T R A I N I N G  C O U R S E S  
Play Like a Prodigy - Your Complete Training System in 10 Modules +Bonus Extras
One time
For 2 months

SO, you've always wanted to play piano but believed you were too old, too busy to start? My exclusive PRODIGY Course is EVERYTHING YOU NEED to play like a Prodigy AT YOUR PACE & experience thrilling joy in your music you never imagined possible. This 10 Module system (+Bonus trainings) is packed with my 20 years of expertise as a classically trained/professional touring musician-organized for you into easy lessons, enjoyable assignments, practice hacks & much MORE. + Yours with lifetime access

✓ Music Theory 101 - EVERYTHING You Need To Play
✓ BONUS Weekly Written & Video Practice Assignments
✓ How to Incorporate Practice into Your Busy Life
✓ PLUS How To Build Your Repertoire
Play Like a Prodigy - Your Complete Training System in 10 Modules +Bonus Extras*
For 3 months
For 4 months

               GOALS to REALITY

IT'S TIME to claim your true desires, and transform them through the portal of workable goals into your new empowered reality. This specially designed course unlocks the secrets of this creation process, to work again and again for the rest of your life.